Where to buy?
In which shops can I buy Vodka Polar Bear?
A lot of shops are registered. Click here to find the nearest liquor store on our Vodka Polar Bear shop finder.
As a consumer, can I buy Vodka Polar Bear online?
Yes you can! Simply order our Vodka Polar Bear via our online shop. Our Vodka can be ordered per 6 bottles. Click here to go directly to the shop.
Can I also order Bear Vodka as a Liquor Store or Catering Store?
Are you an (online) liquor store, do you have a catering business and do you want Vodka Polar Bear on the store shelf or on your drinks menu? Then place your order by sending an email to: info@vodkapolarbear.com with the number of bottles.
About our vodka
How does the distillation process work?
What is osmosis water?
Osmosis water is created by filtering pure water under high pressure through an ultra-fine membrane, this removes all impurities. Viruses, bacteria, pesticides and medicines also remain behind in the filter. What remains is ultra-pure water, with extra detox power.
Which Cocktails Can I Make With Vodka?
How do I make a low-calorie mixed drink?